GET billing/{orderId}

Retrieves an Order and it's details and payments with the specified OrderId

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
orderId System.Int32 Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
Details System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Epic.Customer.Api.ResponseModels.MappingFromDbEntities.OrderDetailResponse] None
Payments System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Epic.Customer.Api.ResponseModels.MappingFromDbEntities.PaymentResponse] None
OrderID System.Int32 None
CustomerID System.Int32 None
OrderStatusID System.Int32 None
OrderDate System.DateTime None
CurrencyCode System.String None
WarehouseID System.Int32 None
ShipMethodID System.Int32 None
OrderTypeID System.Int32 None
PriceTypeID System.Int32 None
FirstName System.String None
LastName System.String None
Company System.String None
Address1 System.String None
Address2 System.String None
City System.String None
State System.String None
Zip System.String None
Country System.String None
County System.String None
Email System.String None
Phone System.String None
Notes System.String None
Total System.Decimal None
SubTotal System.Decimal None
TaxTotal System.Decimal None
ShippingTotal System.Decimal None
DiscountTotal System.Decimal None
DiscountPercent System.Decimal None
WeightTotal System.Decimal None
BusinessVolumeTotal System.Decimal None
CommissionableVolumeTotal System.Decimal None
TrackingNumber1 System.String None
TrackingNumber2 System.String None
TrackingNumber3 System.String None
TrackingNumber4 System.String None
TrackingNumber5 System.String None
Other1Total System.Decimal None
Other2Total System.Decimal None
Other3Total System.Decimal None
Other4Total System.Decimal None
Other5Total System.Decimal None
Other6Total System.Decimal None
Other7Total System.Decimal None
Other8Total System.Decimal None
Other9Total System.Decimal None
Other10Total System.Decimal None
ShippingTax System.Decimal None
OrderTax System.Decimal None
FedTaxTotal System.Decimal None
StateTaxTotal System.Decimal None
FedShippingTax System.Decimal None
StateShippingTax System.Decimal None
CityShippingTax System.Decimal None
CityLocalShippingTax System.Decimal None
CountyShippingTax System.Decimal None
CountyLocalShippingTax System.Decimal None
Other11 System.String None
Other12 System.String None
Other13 System.String None
Other14 System.String None
Other15 System.String None
Other16 System.String None
Other17 System.String None
Other18 System.String None
Other19 System.String None
Other20 System.String None
ReturnOrderID System.Int32 None
ParentOrderID System.Int32 None
TransferToCustomerID System.Int32 None
DeclineCount System.Int32 None
ShippedDate System.DateTime None
CreatedDate System.DateTime None
TaxFedRate System.Decimal None
TaxStateRate System.Decimal None
TaxCityRate System.Decimal None
TaxCityLocalRate System.Decimal None
TaxCountyRate System.Decimal None
TaxCountyLocalRate System.Decimal None
TaxManualRate System.Decimal None
TaxCity System.String None
TaxCounty System.String None
TaxState System.String None
TaxZip System.String None
TaxCountry System.String None
TaxIsExempt System.Boolean None
TaxIsOverRide System.Boolean None
ModifiedDate System.DateTime None