GET monitor/{id}/processlist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}

Retrieves a list of Process Information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
id System.Guid Required
sqlInfoId System.Guid Required

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
SessionKey System.String None
Spid System.Int16 None
RequestId System.Int32 None
SqlUser System.String None
NtUser System.String None
NtDomain System.String None
Status System.String None
BlockedBySpid System.Int16 None
CurrentCommand System.String None
DbName System.String None
ProgramName System.String None
CurrentWaitType System.String None
CurrentWaitTime System.Int32 None
LastWaitType System.String None
LastWaitResource System.String None
OpenTransactionCnt System.Int32 None
CpuTime System.Int32 None
RequestCpuTime System.Int32 None
Reads System.Int64 None
RequestReads System.Int64 None
Writes System.Int64 None
RequestWrites System.Int64 None
LogicalReads System.Int64 None
RequestLogicalReads System.Int64 None
MemoryUsage System.Int32 None
HostProcess System.Int32 None
HostName System.String None
LoginTime System.DateTime None
LastBatchTime System.DateTime None
NetAddress System.String None
NetLibrary System.String None
Kpid System.Int32 None
Active System.String None
SystemProcess System.String None
CurrentServerTime System.DateTime None
PlanHandle System.Byte[] None
SqlText System.String None