PATCH virtualmachines/{vmId}/upgrade

Upgrades the selected Virtual Machine

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
vmId System.String None

Body Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
VirtualMachineID The identifier of the virtual machine System.Guid None
SpecificationID The specification of the virtual machine System.Int32 None
BandwidthToUpgrade The bandwidth upgrade of the virtual machine System.Int32 None
CoresToUpgrade How many cores to upgrade to System.Int32 None
MemoryToUpgrade How much memory to upgrade to System.Decimal None
DiskGbToUpgrade The amount of disk storage to upgrade to System.Decimal None

Response Information

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information
Host Epic.Customer.Api.ResponseModels.MappingFromDbEntities.HostResponse None
IpAssignment Epic.Customer.Api.ResponseModels.MappingFromDbEntities.IpAssignmentResponse None
NetworkAdapters System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Epic.Customer.Api.ResponseModels.MappingFromDbEntities.VirtualMachineNetworkAdapterModel] None
VirtualMachineID System.Guid None
CompanyID System.Int32 None
Name System.String None
StatusID System.Int32 None
Status System.String None
CustomerID System.Int32 None
HostID System.Guid None
ResourceID System.String None
BandwidthID System.Int32 None
IpAssignmentID System.Int32 None
VLan System.Int32 None
CpuCount System.Int32 None
MemoryGb System.Decimal None
MemoryStartupGb System.Decimal None
MemoryMinimumGb System.Decimal None
PrimaryDiskGb System.Decimal None
IsPublic System.Boolean None
Generation System.Int32 None
SupportUserName System.String None
TemplateImage System.String None
ModifiedBy System.String None
ModifiedDate System.DateTimeOffset None
DestroyedDate System.DateTime None
Exception System.String None
BillingSetupID System.Guid None
Description System.String None