Retrieves completed and in progress Actions
Retrieves a list of all completed and in progress Actions for a specific customer / company
Retrieves an Action with the specified ActionId
GET actions/getInProgressAction/{targetId}
Retrieves an in progress Action with the specified TargetId
Retrieves the time from the server
Information related to Alert Rules and settings for monitoring virtual machines
Retrieves a list of all Alert Rules for a specific customer / company
Retrieves an Alert Rule with the specified AlertRuleId
Retrieves a list of all currently monitored nodes
Retrieves a list of all nodes with their current volumes
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
Creates a new Alert Rule
Updates the specified Alert Rule
DELETE alertRules/{alertRuleId}
Deletes the Alert Rule with the specified AlertRuleId
GET alertRules/getlogs/{alertRuleId}
Retrieves the Alert Log records with the specified AlertRuleId
GET alertRules/{machineId}/trippedAlerts
Retrieves the Alert Log records that exceeded the Alert Rule threshold with the specified MachineId
Information related to Alert notification profiles and settings
Retrieves a list of Alerts for a specific customer / company
Retrieves an Alert and it's recipients with the specified AlertId
Retrieves a list of all Alert Profiles for a specific customer / company
GET alerts/alertprofiles/{alertProfileId}
Retrieves an Alert Profile and it's recipients with the specified AlertProfileId
PUT alerts/alertprofiles/{alertProfileId}
Updates the specified Alert Profile
DELETE alerts/deleteAlertProfile/{alertProfileId}
Deletes the Alert Profile with the specified AlertProfileId
Creates a new Alert Profile
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
POST api/Alerts?alertProfileId={alertProfileId}
No documentation available.
GET baremetal/inventory?warehouseId={warehouseId}
No documentation available.
POST baremetal/inventory?warehouseId={warehouseId}
No documentation available.
GET baremetal/bareMetalTemplates?warehouseId={warehouseId}
No documentation available.
POST baremetal/bareMetalTemplates?warehouseId={warehouseId}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
Information related to customer billing and invoice payments
Retrieves a list of all Orders for a specific customer
Retrieves an Order and it's details and payments with the specified OrderId
Retrieves a list of all Invoices with balances due for a specific customer
Retrieves the stored Customer Bank Account information
Retrieves Countries
Updates the stored Customer Bank Account information
The function for the payment of invoices and delegating them as either paid or unpaid
Retrieves the Points Balance for a specific customer
GET billing/templates?warehouseId={warehouseId}&entityType={entityType}
Retrieves a list of all Templates with the specified WarehouseId and EntityType
No documentation available.
GET api/Billing?currencyCode={currencyCode}
Retrieves a list of Items and their prices with the specified ItemIds and CurrencyCode
GET api/Billing?billingSetupId={billingSetupId}
Retrieves a Billing Setup with the specified BillingSetupId
GET api/Billing?entityId={entityId}
Retrieves a Billing Setup with the specified EntityId
GET api/Billing?bundleId={bundleId}
Retrieves a Bundle with the specified BundleId
GET api/Billing?templateId={templateId}
Retrieves a Template with the specified TemplateId
POST api/Billing?billingSetupId={billingSetupId}&itemId={itemId}&quantityToAdd={quantityToAdd}
Adds an Item to an existing Billing Setup with the specified BillingSetupId, ItemId, and Quantity to add
POST api/Billing?billingSetupId={billingSetupId}&itemId={itemId}&quantity={quantity}
Updates a BillingSetup with the specified BillingSetupId, ItemId, and Quantity
POST api/Billing?billingSetupId={billingSetupId}&itemId={itemId}
Removes an Item from a Billing Setup with the specified BillingSetupId and ItemId
Retrieves and sets Domain Name Service settings
Retrieves a list of all Domains for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a Domain with the specified DomainId
Deletes the Domain with the specified DomainId
DELETE domain/arecords/{aRecordId}
Deletes the A Record for a Domain with the specified ARecordId
DELETE domain/txtrecords/{txtRecordId}
Deletes the Text Record for a Domain with the specified TxtRecordId
DELETE domain/mxrecords/{mxRecordId}
Deletes the Mail Server (MX) Record for a Domain with the specified MxRecordId
DELETE domain/cnamerecords/{cNameRecordId}
Deletes the Host Alias (cName) Record for a Domain with the specified CNameRecordId
DELETE domain/soarecords/{soaRecordId}
Deletes the Start of Authority (SoA) Record for a Domain with the specified SoaRecord
Creates a new Domain
POST domain/{domainId}/arecord
Creates a new A Record for a specified Domain
POST domain/{domainId}/soarecord
Creates a new Start of Authority (SoA) Record for a specified Domain
POST domain/{domainId}/txtrecord
Creates a new Text Record for a specified Domain
POST domain/{domainId}/mxrecord
Creates a new Mail Server (MX) record for a specified Domain
POST domain/{domainId}/cnamerecord
Creates a new Host Alias (cName) Record for a specified Domain
Creates a Default NameSpace (NS) Record for a specified Domain
Edits the selected A Record for a specified Domain
PUT domain/{domainId}/soarecord
Edits the selected Start of Authority (SoA) Record for a specified Domain
PUT domain/{domainId}/cnamerecord
Edits the selected Host Alias (cName) Record for a specified Domain
PUT domain/{domainId}/mxrecord
Edits the selected Mail Service (MX) Record for a specified Domain
PUT domain/{domainId}/txtrecord
Edits the selected Text Record for a specified Domain
Deletes the NameSpace (NS) Record for a Domain with the specified DefaultNsRecord
No documentation available.
POST escalation/updateLayers/{scheduleId}
No documentation available.
POST escalation/updatePageProfile
No documentation available.
POST escalation/addPageProfile
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
DELETE escalation/deleteProfile?profileId={profileId}
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getAlertProfiles
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getEditProfile?profileId={profileId}
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getPageProfileAlertRule?alertRuleId={alertRuleId}
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getProfileIncidents?profileId={profileId}
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getIncident?incidentId={incidentId}
No documentation available.
POST escalation/deleteSchedule/{scheduleId}
No documentation available.
GET escalation/getSchedule/{scheduleId}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
POST escalation/resolveIncidents
No documentation available.
POST escalation/escalationsPerDay?profileId={profileId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
No documentation available.
POST escalation/createIncident
No documentation available.
GET escalation/datatables?profileId={profileId}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET api/Escalation?alertQueueId={alertQueueId}
No documentation available.
Profiles for the use of Failovers for your virtual machine(s)
Retrieves a list of all Failover Profiles for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a list of all Regions available for a specific customer / company
GET failover/{aRecordFailoverId}
Retrieves a Failover Profile with the specified ARecordFailoverId
Retrieves a list of A Record Machine Logs with the specified DomainId
Creates a new A Record Failover
PUT failover/{aRecordFailoverId}
Updates the specified A Record Failover
DELETE failover/{aRecordFailoverId}/delete
Deletes the A Record Failover with the specified ARecordFailoverId
Retrieves a list of all Failover Types available for a specific customer / company
Retrieves the Domain for the Failover record
GET failover/changeIsUpDetails?logId={logId}
No documentation available.
Used to allow or deny access to specific Firewall Services on the firewall
Retrieves a list of all Firewall Rules for a specific customer / company
GET firewallRules/{firewallRuleId}
Retrieves a Firewall Rule with the specified FirewallRuleId
PUT firewallRules/{firewallRuleId}
Updates the specified Firewall Rule
Creates a new Firewall Rule
DELETE firewallRules/{firewallRuleId}
Deletes the Firewall Rule with the specified FirewallRuleId
POST firewallRules/updateRuleOrder
Updates the Firewall Rule order
Manage and maintain the services to allow or deny access through the firewall
Retrieves a list of all Firewall Services for a specific customer / company
GET FirewallService/{firewallServiceId}
Retrieves a Firewall Service with the specified FirewallServiceId
GET FirewallService/rules/{firewallServiceId}
Retrieves a list of Firewall Rules based on a specified FirewallServiceId
Creates a new Firewall Service
DELETE FirewallService/{firewallServiceId}
Deletes the Firewall Service with the specified FirewallServiceId
DELETE FirewallService/rule/{firewallRuleId}
Deletes the Firewall Rule with the specified FirewallRuleId
GET FirewallService/{customerId}/firewall/{firewallRuleId}
Retrieves a list of Virtual Machines associated to a Firewall Rule with the specified CustomerId and FirewallRuleId
PUT FirewallService/{firewallServiceId}
Updates the specified Firewall Service
Displays information related to the Virtual Machine(s) Host Servers
Retrieves a list of all available Host Servers for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a Host with the specified HostId
GET hosts/getWarehouse/{warehouseId}
Retrieves a Warehouse with the specified WarehouseId
GET hosts/getAvailableWarehouses
Retrieves a list of available Warehouses and the Host Servers within those Warehouses
Related to the logging of changes made within the portal
Retrieves a list of all Change Logs for the specified Subsystem and Id
Information related to the monitoring information for Virtual Machines
Retrieves the most recent Machine Statistics with the specified MachineId
GET monitor/machineStats/{machineId}?dateTimeUtc={dateTimeUtc}
Retrieves statistics from the specified amount of history up to five minutes for the specified machineId
GET monitor/nodestats/{machineId}?dateTimeUtc={dateTimeUtc}
Retrieves the most recent Node Statistics with the specified MachineId and a default of the past 6 hours
Retrieves a list of all Node information with the specified MachineId
GET monitor/{machineId}/powerSettings
Retrieves current power settings
GET monitor/{machineId}/cpuStats?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves CPU Statistics with the specified MachineId, StartDate, and EndDate
Retrieves Network Interface Statistics with the specified InterfaceId, StartDate, and EndDate
Updates the specified Node
GET monitor/{id}/sqlInfo?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves SQL Information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/waitstatslist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of Wait Statistics for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/processlist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of Process Information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/sqlfileslist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of SQL File Information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/topquerylist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of top queries information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/indexfragmentationlist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of index fragmentation information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/lastbackuptimelist
Retrieves a list of index fragmentation information for the specified SqlProfileId
GET monitor/{id}/sqlconfigurationlist?sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
Retrieves a list of sqlconfiguration information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/sqlconfigurationlistitem
Retrieves a list of sqlconfigurationitem information for the specified SqlProfileId and SqlInfoId
GET monitor/{id}/iostallinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Input / Output Stall Information for the specified MachineId (or SqlProfileId), StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/packetinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Packet Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/sessioninfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Session Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/sqlcpuinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Cpu Usage Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/memoryinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Memory Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/queryinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Query Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/pageinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Page Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/processinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Process Information for the specified MachineId (or SqlProfileId), StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/databaseinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Database Information for the specified MachineId (or SqlProfileId), StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/waitstatsinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Wait Statistic Information for the specified MachineId (or SqlProfileId), StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/{id}/azureinfo?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves Azure Information for the specified SqlProfileId, StartDate, and EndDate
GET monitor/gethelphints?hintCategory={hintCategory}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET monitor/getAlertsEnabledSqlProfiles
No documentation available.
GET monitor/getSqlProfiles?machineId={machineId}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenMem?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenVolume?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenSqlMem?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenSqlCpu?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenIoStall?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/topTenSqlWaitStats?hour={hour}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/baseSqlInfo?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}&sqlInfoId={sqlInfoId}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET monitor/{id}/replicationDetails?groupId={groupId}
Retrieves replication details for the specified SqlProfileId and GroupId
GET monitor/{id}/testReplicationDetails?groupId={groupId}
No documentation available.
POST monitor/{id}/scheduleForRestart?machineId={machineId}
No documentation available.
GET monitor/{sqlProfileId}/compressionData
No documentation available.
GET api/Monitor?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
No documentation available.
GET api/Monitor?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}&day={day}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
No documentation available.
GET api/Monitor?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}&hour={hour}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
GET api/Monitor?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}&sqlHash={sqlHash}&planHash={planHash}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
Related to the probes used for monitoring Virtual Machine(s) and Services
Retrieves the current SQL Server Time
Retrieves a list of all Probe Profiles for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a Probe Profile with the specified ProfileId
Retrieves a list of Probe Check Types for a specific customer / company
GET probe/checkTypes/{checkTypeId}
Retrieves a Probe Check Type with the specified CheckTypeId
GET probe/alertProfiles/{alertProfileId}
Retrieves an Alert Profile with the specified AlertProfileId
Retrieves a list of Alert Profiles for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a list of available Locations for Probe Profiles
GET probe/locations/{locationId}
Retrieves a Probe Location with the specified LocationId
GET probe/results/{profileId}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Retrieves the Probe Statistic Results with the specified ProfileId and StartDate
Creates a new Probe Profile
Updates the specified Probe Profile
Deletes the Probe Profile with the specified ProfileId
GET probe/alertInfo/{incidentId}
No documentation available.
Retrieves reporting information that is collected by the Epic Monitor Agent
Retrieves a list of all Node Groups
Retreives a Node Group with the specified GroupId
Deletes a Node Group with the specified GroupId
PUT reporting/groups/{groupId}
Edits the selected Node Group
GET reporting/stats/{domainId}?startDateUtc={startDateUtc}
Retrieves a list of Domain Zone Query Statistics with a specified DomainId and StartDate Get a domain zone query statistics
GET reporting/registration/{nodeId}
Retrieves a Registration Code with the specified NodeId
Retrieves a list of all available Nodes for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a list of Nodes that are currently offline
Retrieves a list of Nodes that are currently online
No documentation available.
Retrieves a list of all Sites for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a Site with the specified SiteId
GET reporting/sites/avaliableNodes
Retrieves a list of all Nodes not attached to a Site
GET reporting/sites/availableSqlProfiles
No documentation available.
Updates the selected Site
PUT reporting/saveDisabledAlerts
No documentation available.
Creates a new Site
Deletes the Site with the specified SiteId
POST reporting/nodeandsqlsearch?input={input}
Searches the list of Nodes adn Sql Profiles for the specified string
POST reporting/nodesearch?input={input}
Searches the list of Nodes for the specified string
POST reporting/sqlServerSearch?input={input}
No documentation available.
POST reporting/enableAlerting?id={id}&profileType={profileType}
No documentation available.
Retrieves the specified Node's Health Overview
DELETE reporting/nodes/{nodeId}
Deletes the Node with the specified NodeId
GET reporting/sqlProfilById/{sqlProfileId}
Retrieves a SQL Profile with the specified SqlProfileId
GET reporting/recommendedAlerts
No documentation available.
POST reporting/addOrUpdateNodeSqlProfile
Creates or updates SqlProfile
POST reporting/enableAllAlerts
No documentation available.
POST reporting/extendAllAlerts
No documentation available.
POST reporting/ignoreRecommendedAlert?alertSourceId={alertSourceId}&resourceName={resourceName}
No documentation available.
POST api/Reporting?sqlProfileId={sqlProfileId}
No documentation available.
Information related to Resource Bundles and the resources attached to them
GET resourceBundles?warehouseId={warehouseId}
Retrieves a list of all Resource Bundles with the specified WarehouseId
GET resourceBundles/{bundleId}
Retrieves a Resource Bundle with the specified BundleId
GET resourceBundles/{bundleId}?warehouseId={warehouseId}
Retrieves a list of all Templates that can be added to a Resource Bundle with the specified WarehouseId
Used for a customer to purchase a Resource Bundle based on the currently available Resource Templates
GET resourceBundles/{bundleId}/details
Retrieves the Resource Bundle Details with the specified BundleId
DELETE api/StackpathSites?siteId={siteId}
No documentation available.
GET api/StackpathSites?siteId={siteId}&ruleId={ruleId}
No documentation available.
DELETE api/StackpathSites?siteId={siteId}&ruleId={ruleId}
No documentation available.
GET api/StackpathSites?siteId={siteId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
No documentation available.
No documentation available.
DELETE api/StackpathSites?siteId={siteId}&certificateId={certificateId}
No documentation available.
Support content and sections
Retrieves a list of all Support Sections for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a list of all Support Content for a specific customer / company
GET support/contents/{cultureCode}
Retrieves a list of all Support Content with the specified CultureCode
GET support/content/{sectionId}/{cultureCode}
Retrieves a list of all Support Content with the specified SectionId and CultureCode
GET support/topics/{cultureCode}
Retrieves a list of topics with descriptions by culture code and organized by priority. Use content/{sectionId}/{cultureCode} to get specific support documentation.
Retrieves and assigns information for tickets
Retrieves a list of all the Tickets associated with the specific customer / company
Retrieves a Ticket with the specified TicketId
Creates a new Ticket
Updates the selected Ticket Detail
GET tickets/ticketAttachment/{ticketAttachmentId}
Retrieves a Ticket Attachment with the specified TicketAttachmentId
Ability to view and modify registered mobile devices
Registers and updates a User's Device to be used with push notification alerts
Retrieves a list of all User Devices for a specified User
Related to the creation, management, and removal of User profiles for your company
Retrieves a list of all users for a specific customer / company
GET users/checkcustomercolotype
No documentation available.
Retrieves the currently logged in User's information
Retrieves a list of all Users with Administrative privileges
Updates a user's profile information
Retrieves a list of all of the available User Interface Cultures
Retrieves a User with the specified UserId
Creates a new User account and sends confirmation email for User to complete profile registration
Edits the selected User
GET users/userRole?userId={userId}
Retrieves the Role of a User with the specified UserId
Retrieves a list of available User Roles
Deletes the selected User profile
No documentation available.
Displays information related to Virtual Machine(s)
GET virtualmachines?includeDestroyed={includeDestroyed}
Retrieves a list of all Virtual Machines for a specific customer / company
Retrieves a Virtual Machine with the specified VirtualMachineId
GET virtualmachines/{vmId}/warehouse
Retrieves the Warehouse a Virtual Machine is in with the specified VirtualMachineId
GET virtualmachines/warehouses
Retrieves a list of all Warehouses for a specific customer / company
Creates a new Virtual Machine
POST virtualmachines/{vmId}/clone
Clones the selected Virtual Machine
PATCH virtualmachines/{vmId}/upgrade
Upgrades the selected Virtual Machine
GET virtualmachines/config?adapterId={adapterId}
Retrieves a list of Virtual Machine Network Adapters with the specified AdapterId
POST virtualmachines/editConfig
Edits the selected Virtual Machine Network Adapter
Upgrades the selected VirtualMachine with the specified VirtualMachineId, Memory, CPU, BandwidthId, and Disk
GET virtualmachines/virtualMachines/{vmId}/getdescription
Retreives a description of Virtual Machine
POST virtualmachines/updatedescription
Updates a description of Virtual Machine
DELETE virtualmachines/{adapterId}?vmId={vmId}
Deletes a Network Adapter with the specified VirtualMachineId and AdapterId
Retrieves a list of pre-defined hardware specification templates for creating a new Virtual Machine
Retrieves a list of usable operating systems for installation onto a new Virtual Machine
POST virtualmachines/{vmId}/actions/{type}
Handles the dispatch of pre-defined actions with the specified VirtualMachineId and Type
GET virtualmachines/{vmId}/console
Retrieves the URL for a remote connection to a Virtual Machine with the specified VirtualMachineId
Deletes a Virtual Machine with the specified VirtualMachineId
Related to setting up and maintaining Virtual Local Area Networks
Retrieves a list of all Virtual LANs for a specific custoemr / company
Retrieves a VLAN with the specified VlanId
Creates a new VLAN